Are you struggling to process it, or wondering what happens next?
Navigating Neurodivergence is Your Answer
training around why your brain works like it does, and what coping strategies you can use to help
a neurodivergent coach in your pocket
a safe space to ask questions and share struggles
When you first find out about your own Neurodivergence, the discovery is often followed by a rollercoaster of emotions.
Relief is usually a part of it, and knowing that there is an explanation for how you have felt all of your life... but that is often accompanied by shame, confusion, guilt, grief, resentment, and a whole host of other emotions.
There is very little post diagnosis support available in most areas, and in a lot of cases diagnosis is accompanied by a massive mental crash as you figure out how this new identity as "a neurodivergent person" fits with the image you have had of yourself all your life.
Since becoming an accredited coach in 2022, I have been supporting people through their journeys towards accepting and understanding their neurodivergent brains on a 1:1 and group basis. This is a service that the majority of late diagnosed/discovered people would benefit from but it isn't always an accessible option, so I've been working towards making a version of the coaching and mentoring services I provide that can be accessible to more people. Navigating Neurodivergence is my solution!
Navigating Neurodivergence is based around self-paced neurodivergent coaching (via videos, audio files and transcripts) to help you learn about your brain and understand why you behave and react the way you do.
Whichever path you choose from the options below, there is always a place to ask any questions that come up along the way and to receive additional support, via email or in a Facebook Group, if needed.
Monthly Subscription, giving you:
A private Facebook community, regular email support from Emma Sails and other neurodivergent affirming professionals
A wealth of resources (from March 2025) to help you learn about how your neurodivergent brain works at your own pace
Discounted workshops and group coaching
5-Day Neurodivergent Coaching Experience, giving you:
5 mentoring emails over 5 days, providing an explanation and coping strategies for key areas that impact most neurodivergent adults
Access to a private Facebook Community where you can ask questions and receive support
Find out more about my story and about the 1:1 coaching and mentoring services I provide by visiting my website
If you're wondering whether or not to go for an assessment or if you're just starting to learn about your or your child's neurodivergence, check out my webinars
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